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Fact File: Veganism

Go Vita

Written By Go Vita


You may think that veganism is a recent trend, but The Vegan Society was actually first established in 1944, with the objective of raising awareness about animal rights and advocating the adoption of a diet and lifestyle that benefit humans, animals and the environment. A vegan diet differs from a plant-based diet in that it eliminates all animal products, while a plant-based diet still includes small portions of animal foods.

There are many different – and powerful – reasons why a person might want to become a vegan. * It is compassionate By not eating animal-derived foods (including meat, fish, eggs and dairy products but also mayonnaise, bee products like honey, and conventionally-produced wine, beer and soft drinks), and buying vegan cosmetics, pet food, clothing, shoes, bags or belts rather than those that are animal-derived, you are supporting animal welfare. Vegan living starts on your plate – but expands so much further than that to include many more choices that support animals.

* It is healthy There are numerous health benefits to be gained from adopting a vegan diet: research shows that this style of eating results in weight loss, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, and is linked to lower rates of heart disease, diabetes and cancer. A vegan diet of fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains and plant-based foods also avoids commercial processed foods which may contain artificial additives.

* It is delicious Worried about missing your favourite foods, like burgers, chicken kebabs and ice cream? There are many wonderful vegan options, with companies developing exciting new meat- and dairy-free options that taste terrific, are much healthier than animal-derived counterparts, with no cholesterol or saturated animal fat, and don’t hurt any living beings. Plus, there are thousands of delicious recipes to explore in your own kitchen.

* It supports our planet Meat – especially if it is factory-farmed – is not environmentally friendly. Commercial meat production is one of the key causes of climate change.

Did you know? Most people don’t realise that conventionally produced foods contain hidden animal-derived ingredients. For example, several food additives and flavourings are made from animal products, as is cochineal (from insects), gelatin (from cows and pigs), isinglass (from fish), shellac (from beetles), omega-3 fatty acids (from fish), vitamin D3 (from fish oil or lanolin), and whey, casein and lactose (from dairy). Vegan-friendly foods do not contain any of these ingredients.

Vegan Treats that Go Vita loves …

  • Cocomino Fysh Coconut Amino Sauce Tastes just like regular fish sauce, but is 100 percent plant-powered, with no added preservatives or nasties.

  • Karma Bites A new and scrumptious vegan snack made from puffed lotus seeds, which are a great source of protein and minerals. Choose from Himalayan Pink Salt, Caramel, Coconut and Vanilla, or Peri Peri flavours.

  • Veego Plant Protein Bars All natural, all raw and organic plant protein-based – our favourite varieties are Peanut Butter Crunch and Banana Bread.



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